Saturday, August 29, 2009

Past Memories

Today as the nation mourned the death of Ted Kennedy, my eyes filled with tears again just as they did in November 1963. Today, just as then, I'm proud to be American. Watching the rain falling in Boston was also a blessing as it proved that global warming is pretty much isolated to Arizona. ( My attempt at levity) Kristi's baby shower was fun. Little "Tiger" Newman is going to be pretty much decked out in the latest styles. Tiger will always be my nickname for this poor little guy who will have to be a tiger to withstand all those girls. Didn't finish this post yesterday and now I have something weighing more heavily on my mind. How can a pastor preach that he hates President Obama. Disagreeing with his policies is american but hating someone who has been created and loved by God just goes against everything I believe as a Christian. Shame on this pastor who could be creating violence on our streets.


  1. Tiger loves you already. And yes, I agree global warming is isolated to within a 50 mile radius. Siiigh.

  2. Well put, Gramoo! I'm sad I missed the shower but can't wait to meet "tiger" as well! We are to be example of love not of hate. This pastor is far from being loving!
