Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's Raining

How sweet it is!!  The windows are open and the smell is terrific.  Seems unnatural to have days and days of sunshine here.  Now if the rain just stops after a day or two.  Never seem to have it all do we?  The chiropractor did me good.  Feel better and hope to sleep well tonight.  Have my ticket home purchased and will be arriving in Phoenix on the 20th.  If any of you want to come pick me up that would be great.  I'll buy you lunch.  Plane gets in around 1:00pm.  My friends are planning a get together on Monday and that will probably be the end of my travels.  Did want to go to the beach one more time but don't think that will happen.  Love all of  you and God bless.  


  1. Rain Rain Come Here Please!

    If no other takers to pick you up, let me know & I'll make it happen! :)

  2. You are a sweetheart and I heart you lots. Carin said she will pick me up but I'm sure excited to see you and the girls and grunt (well almost guess you won't be grunting for a few more weeks) Thanks for posting a comment. Gives me motivation to continue the blog.
