Saturday, August 10, 2013

Keeping up

If only I would keep up.  Talk about being lazy, that's me.  This could all be part of my long awaited life story but every time I think about writing I think how boring it would be.  Who wants to know all the details I'm willing to share.  Oh, oh, that is the key.  If I was willing to share, this could be a best seller.  Guess I'm not quite ready for that yet.  How can I feel that after 70 years I can't reveal the deepest of secrets.  I would be ashamed of some of my behaviors over the years but also proud that I have had Christ in my life all my life even when I didn't realize he was there.  Now that I know how much he loves me and that I'm forgiven there shouldn't be anything I can't share.  My children might be happy that I can tell them things.  What do you suppose Dr. Laura or Ann Landers would advise?  Well, you know what, I'm going to continue to keep some things to myself.  Most of what I have done would maybe be silly in comparison to what children are doing today.  I'm so sorry that our society has deteriorated so terribly.  Using the word Fuck is so degrading to me.  We used shit damn SOB just as much.  What is worse.  My words take the Lord's name in vain, not the F-word.  When I get back to Arizona I plan to organize my time and include guitar, writing and more volunteer work.  Please God help me to remember this post. 

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