Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our Remedies oft in ourselves do lie

William Shakespeare penned those words in "All's Well That Ends Well." As for my friend who had hip replacement surgery, her end is doing well. Sometime during last night Loren Jydis paid me a visit and left me speechless. In a mutual agreement my friend felt she was capable of caring for herself and sent me home to doctor my cold and voicelessness. In taking inventory of what needs to be done after having none stop company since March 1st., it appears it can all wait until I feel better. Right now I'm going to watch the CMA. Taking me back to my roots of Country Music. Yea Haw, ya'll.....

1 comment:

  1. I'm so. so. slow. Loren Jydis. Do you go to bed with Charlie Horse too?
