Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One of those days

Yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself this morning. Praying would probably help but I don't want to pray. Maybe because I would feel better and then I couldn't wallow in my self pity. Being alone a great deal of the time is an excuse. If only there was that special person that would say good morning and maybe touch my hand. How did I let this happen! Mostly by being selfish and making everything about me. Even now when I attempt to ease a hurt or show a friend that they mean something to me I'm hoping that it makes me feel better also. I do feel better but there is always that little voice inside that is anticipating. Where is that scripture that explains this all to me. I'm so tired sometimes. No one needs me.


  1. Oh, Gramoo. I love you. And need you - you are a wonderful encourager and friend and bring light into so many lives... which I'm SURE is true even when you're feeling like you're not shining so bright.

  2. Oh Judy, I'm sorry you had (are having?) 'one of those days', I relate! We heard a wonderful sermon this morning on the subject of trials, and more precisely how to get a right attitude when in the midst of an especially tough one. This church puts their sermons up as audio or video offerings at their website here;

    It will probably show up tomorrow or soon thereafter, meanwhile the first message of the series is up now and is titled 'Count it all Joy 1/16' (I should watch it too! since it's on the same matter)

    I plan on posting a link to the message we heard today on my facebook, as soon as it shows up, so you can find it that way as well, if you'd like to hear God's word on the subject. Meanwhile, I pray the LORD has gently lifted you up and filled your heart with His presence and joy.

