Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hump Day

Wednesday, hump day. Is that the day when the weight of the week reaches the peak and now it is downhill toward a relaxing weekend? Or is when it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back? We never know do we? Faith is that element that sustained us as we survived another week and will continue to sustain us as we strive to nurture and protect those we care about. Today I'm anxious for Michelle, Mark and Alexis. Mark is the parent this week so he and Alexis will drive together to Spokane where Alexis will have another eye examine to check pressure behind her eyes. Michelle will meet them at the doctor's office. My heart aches for the precious granddaughter that looks in awe at her gramoo as I make up stories to tell her. I love her so much. I want so much for God to heal her eyes but what about her heart. What lies behind those beautiful eyes. How broken is her heart as she sees her parents in a much different role than just two short years ago. She appears happy and content and does very well in school so we are grateful. Please, my darling, know that you are loved and that God has wonderful plans for you.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Making lists

1. 1:30pm - make bed and get dressed. Check
2. 2:00pm - mail Direct TV stuff to Carin Check
3. 3:00pm - practice guitar Check
4. 4:00pm - study Beth Moore, "It's tough being a woman." Check
5. 5:00pm - feeling humbled and being thankful for all that God has provided me. Check
6. 6:00pm - pour the wine and drink a toast to all who love me and to Kristi and Katie who read this. Check

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One of those days

Yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself this morning. Praying would probably help but I don't want to pray. Maybe because I would feel better and then I couldn't wallow in my self pity. Being alone a great deal of the time is an excuse. If only there was that special person that would say good morning and maybe touch my hand. How did I let this happen! Mostly by being selfish and making everything about me. Even now when I attempt to ease a hurt or show a friend that they mean something to me I'm hoping that it makes me feel better also. I do feel better but there is always that little voice inside that is anticipating. Where is that scripture that explains this all to me. I'm so tired sometimes. No one needs me.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tears again or maybe still

Tomorrow will be one week since the senseless shooting in Tucson. All week it has been reporting fact, reporting speculation, reporting heroism, reporting sadness. Is it really effecting the entire nation as it is Arizona? Remembering the events of 9/11, I actually watched on TV the second plane hitting the towers. It was New York this is Washington state. I knew no one in New York. My day went on as usual except for constant conversation regarding the mornings tragedy and then constant TV coverage for weeks. The tragedy began a war and then two wars. Violence begetting violence. Perhaps the Arizona tragedy will begin the healing of America and compassion from us who call America home. Tonight the tears swelled up in my eyes again as NBC news reported on a woman who lost her baby son a few years ago and began making ceramic wind chimes she calls "Bells for Ben". She and other volunteers make them, attach a note asking for peace and love and hang them from trees all over the Tucson area. What a beautiful way to remember a loved one plus spread his love throughout the community.
Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 1Peter 3: 9