Isn't she just the cutest thing ever? She's 13 and this is the second year she has taken a road trip with gramoo. When we are 13 it is a hard to relate to gramoo. Gramoo has some weird ideas of what is fun. We compromised. She hiked with me and I rode a horse with her..uhg! Glacier National Park and "Going to the Sun Highway" is spectacular scenery. How could anyone not believe that God created this beautiful world. Third photo is of Hungry Horse Dam near Browning, Montana. If anyone knows what the
white circle is let me know. Maybe I knew at the time but don't remember. Ashley had to fly home from Billings to Portland so I was on my own for the remainder of the trip.

It is nice to be home. Arizona has beauty also. I have to look harder because water, flowers and foilage is so abundant in the Northwest. Of course when I see the backyards of friends who have a swimming pool, palm trees and flowering cactus it is a whole new concept of God's diversity.
There will be more photo posts. Love all of you who follow my blog. Pray this finds each of you blessed and thankful for all God has given us. hugs always...gramoo