Monday, June 29, 2009

Don't miss the chance

Pastor Matt is pretty funny.  Somewhere between Jeff and Scott.  He related a dentist story that will stick with me.  Their baby of 6 months was beginning to cut teeth and, because Matt and his wife had not been since college, they were afraid they were grossing out their daughter so to the dentist Matt went.  It was Monday, he was tired and cranky so wasn't much in the mood for his dental consult.  It was funny and I could tell you the whole thing but you might get bored and miss the point.  The point being that when the dentist asked his profession, he said, "Pastor".  Instead of the dentist changing the subject, he asked why did he become a pastor.  Matt gave an off the cuff answer like, "I like kids and people."  He said he regretted that and should have said, "Because I love the Lord, Jesus Christ.  He is my Savior.  We do miss lots of opportunities and I will try to remember this story to help me be a better witness.  As for the trip, I'll be in Portland for the 4th and then on to Eastern Washington and Glacier Park.  

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oregon Coast

The Pacific is as beautiful as ever.  Cold but beautiful.  Taylor played in the water and thought it was great, being only 9 has its advantages.  The Seaside Oregon gift shops are like all the others and are full of tourists just like me.  Bought airbrush tatoos for Ashley and Taylor and sweatpants for me.  Now its 85, wouldn't you know it.  We just went for the day as it is only about 75 miles from Hillsboro where Brian and family live.  We are now getting ready for church.  Looking forward to meeting Ashley's youth leader.  He's a big influence on the family.  Please pray that Jesus will be the center of this family more and more each day.  Love to all and will write more as our trip unfolds.  

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Is it cold in Oregon. Not for those who have webbed feet and bodies that shed the rain but for this poor soul it is freezing.  Temp was maybe 77 degree today but since it is 80 at night in Maricopa my fingertips were turning white.   So far though it has been wonderful.  Being with the family and enjoying them and the things they do is great.  This morning Angel and I went for a 2.5 mile walk and then, after showering, (needed to put that in) because I was going to say we then went to Costco.  Bought planks at Costco to BBQ salmon and vegies.  Really good.  Taylor played some basketball this afternoon.  He's very good so like to watch him play.  He is only 9 so by the time he is in High School he is going to be a force to reckon with.  Nothing really exciting to write about right now but keep tuned you never know when something exciting might happen.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Carpe diem

That's the word or words of the day. Starting with a workout at the local gym and, because sleep eluded me after 5:30am, it has been a rather "Seize the Day" ever since. The refrigerator is clean. Care packages are prepared for Kelly and Clint and Perry and Barbara. They will be by for keys and meeting each other. The thought occurred that arrests could be made if found doing their thing but didn't know each. We'll indulged in some dessert and a bit of conversation and then when they are on their way it's packing time again. Just started some wash and may or may not iron anything. Why am I telling you all this stuff? Guess because I love each of you and I will miss you who are here in AZ and excited to see family and friends in the Northwest. Can't really explain the lonliness that I'm feeling right now. Packing a suitcase by myself is good but not good. If I were married HE would be telling me what I should pack and how I should pack it. Isn't it strange how we want to be alone but with someone.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Waiting until Tuesday afternoon

Procrastinate! Intentionally putting off packing until the last minute. It just is so stressful to ponder what to take. It will be warm but it could rain and be cold. This coat, this jacket, long pants, more shoes just in case. The muscles tighten and the blood pressure goes up. Ahh, that last minute packing. One suitcase, yes, just one. Shorts, shirts, sandals, one dress, undergarment stuff and it's a wonderful summer in the Northwest. Ashley and I will travel from Portland to Sandpoint, Idaha, across Montana into Glacier Park and then on to Billings, Montana to visit relatives. Ashley is my 13 year old granddaughter and likes history so we are also going to South Dakota and Mt Rushmore. We'll be back in Portland by August 1st. Just ask prayers for safe travel and lasting memories. Bless each of you. You are all so important in my life. God is great! When I have access to a PC we will send pictures and I will continue the blog. Have a super duper summer, my friends.