Thursday, April 16, 2009

To Ponder

as defined by the great, Merriam Webster, to ponder is to weigh in the mind, to think about, reflect on soberly and deeply. Well, here you go, let's see how deep this is. Did you know that there are toilet bowl lids named "church". Dad used to say, "I'm going to sit on the throne." Who would have thought that from that old 2 holer where Dad often pondered how he was going to sneak into town without ma knowing it, would come the silver letters emblazed on a porcelain lid the word "church". Now I'm going to ponder how to prepare the perfect margarita. It will weigh on the mind until the lime is sliced and the salt in on the rim. Cheers!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Christ has Risen

and, the Easter Bunny could very well be in a stew. Thank you for beautiful and loving people who find no problem inviting wayward strangers into the mix of relatives and close friends to share the joy and celebration of Easter. Bringing a cheesecake was the least I could do. As Nature takes it's course regarding stuffy head, back and headache pain and just plain disgustedness (is that a word?) this blog writer can find no humor or profound statements that will cause you to laugh or ponder. Sorry, but tune in later and maybe you will be inspired.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I want my mama

60 years ago my mama was 40 years old. She knew just what to do when her little girl had a bad cold. Her words echo, "put some sox on your feet, get back in bed, I'll be there in a minute." The minute seemed like eternity because I wanted her attention so much. Her loving hand on my forehead as she checked for a temperature. A new washrag that she had cooled in ice water that would replace her warm hand. She would smile and say, "it will run it's course, you'll be fine in a few days." She'd leave then and I would dread the time she would be gone milking cows, feeding livestock and bringing water into the house from the cistern. Before long pots and pans began their noisy trek to the stovetop and oven where she would be preparing homemade macoroni and cheese because she knew it was my favorite. Where are you, mama? As tears begin to form in my eyes from missing you, you appear in my mind just behind the figure of God and I hear you say, "it will run it's course, you'll be fine a few days." I love you, mama.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our Remedies oft in ourselves do lie

William Shakespeare penned those words in "All's Well That Ends Well." As for my friend who had hip replacement surgery, her end is doing well. Sometime during last night Loren Jydis paid me a visit and left me speechless. In a mutual agreement my friend felt she was capable of caring for herself and sent me home to doctor my cold and voicelessness. In taking inventory of what needs to be done after having none stop company since March 1st., it appears it can all wait until I feel better. Right now I'm going to watch the CMA. Taking me back to my roots of Country Music. Yea Haw, ya'll.....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Love is all around

I feel it in my fingers. I feel it in my toes. Love is all around us and that is all I knows!! The "and that is all I knows" is really all I knows of the song. The feelings I definitely know. Having my son, daughter-in-law, daughter and grandchildren with me for a week was heaven. The house got messy, the comings and goings were pretty much chaotic and there was no need for radio or television to drown out the silence. Brian did my taxes and the girls helped out with cooking and entertaining the kids. Having my super good friends and their husbands and children spend Sunday afternoon and evening with us was just an extra special time. Cactus Transportation picked up everyone at 3:30 Tuesday and dropped them at the airport. I'll be gone for a few days to take care of a friend who has had a hip replacement. Watch this blog for further interesting happenings and photos. Kristi or Carin will come over soon to show me how to download photos and videos.