Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Almost 2010
Oh my. Probably in the 50's I would think about how long I was going to live. I figured it would be about 2030. It seemed like a 100 years from then. Almost is and I'm thinking 2040 now. Even though I have come to know there is a better place waiting for us, leaving here just doesn't appeal to me. There are so many people that I love and care about. Selfishly I want to see what their futures hold and want to be there for all the good times and bad times. Sometimes I wish I could love the whole world. In the almost 68 years that I have lived, there have been so many people who have come into my life. It would take a lot of time and blog space to recall all of them. Grade school, elementary and high school. First job to last job and all those in between. Sunday School classes and City Council colleagues. And now there is Arizona and my special ones who let me be "gramoo" and have taken me in as though I have been here all my life. New Year's Eve is only a few hours away. May you all enjoy each other and keep the joy of the Holidays lit brightly on your faces throughout two thousand and ten.
Monday, December 28, 2009
January let down
Reluctantly the decorations are taken down and put away until next year. Leaving out that special Christmas frame with a special person's photo seems silly. People will ask, "Why do you still have that frame out?" The Nativity set is put in a box with a lid. Is that what the whole Christmas season amounts to. Put all the generosity and smiles and neighborly get togetherness in a box with a lid. Remembering my childhood January was more special than Christmas. Mom was back to just thinking about everyday tasks. She had time for me. Jerry and I played in the snow. We got cold and wet. Mom pulled off the boots and hung up the coats and put us in front of the stove to get warm. We didn't have very much in the way of toys but we definitely had her love. Even when she yelled at us so loud and so long that she would hold her head in her hands because it hurt her so, we knew she was the one we could count on. So sad that I don't remember tender moments between my mother and father. It seems he was never there and when he was there was just fighting and put downs. My boys are such sensitive and kind men who want the best for their wives. My sweet darling girl deserves that too. I pray dear Father that the sins of the past can dissolve and love, trust, faith, hope replace the empty parts of our hearts and Christmas will never be in a box with a lid on it.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Glitter of Christmas
Christmas in Montana always meant lot of snow. The flakes were huge and would fall all day. If the wind blew the drifts would be 4 or 5 feet deep. And, it was cold. -20 or -30 was not uncommon. At night, when the snow and wind had stopped, the moon, stars and Milky Way seemed so close I could touch them. It was so quiet and peaceful and beautiful. Because it was so cold the snow glistened like diamonds. The window in the bedroom where I slept was just to the right of my head and the light from the moon would shine through. I wish I had know back then how much God loves me. He gave so many signs in those beautifully peaceful moments. School was rarely cancelled back then because of snow and slick roads so it was not until Saturday that my brother and I would make the circle for Fox and Goose. We would be bundled up with so many clothes and boots that running from each other was very comical. We spent more time falling down then we did catching each other. I hated the farm and could hardly wait to get away and make my way to the big city. One thing I learned, trust God and don't be in such a big hurry.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving at home
Mom was a wonderful cook and she did it all. She was always up early anyway but on Thanksgiving morning I would wake up to the smell of turkey. It wasn't hard to imagine this huge bird cover lightly with foil that we couldn't view unless we happened to be close by when it was basted with drippings. It never seemed as though mom was flustered as she prepared potatoes, vegetables and her famous cream cheese pineapple jello salad. That salad has been a favorite always and a fond memory of mom whenever I prepare it. She most always decorated that salad with maraschino cherries and, more than once, the cherries disappeared before it ever reached the table. "Those darn kids, " and then she would smile that smile that showed how much love she had in her heart for all of us. Oh, how I miss her. The table is set the food is about to be put on the table and, what do you know, my older brother and family are late. Dad would tell mom, "tell them 3:00 if you plan to serve it at 1:00". She did finally follow his advice and it worked for a while. Morgan David wine was served on Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was the only time I remember wine at the table with dinner. After eating so much food it was hard to even move. Dad fell asleep in the chair and the rest of us just kind of hung out and helped do dishes. Kitchen is now clean and it is time for pumpkin pie and real whipped cream. Thanksgiving was mostly a happy day. I say mostly because generally there was some negative that crept into the mix. God has helped us get past the past but my prayer is that because of past, the younger generation knows Him early in life.
Monday, November 23, 2009
More Memories
Teaching the calves to drink from a bucket after they were weened was one chore I didn't mind doing. The bucket was about 1/2 full of milk and the calf would suck my fingers and I would lower his/her head into the bucket. When it felt like he/she was drinking on their own, I would remove my fingers from their mouth. It usually took about 3 or 4 tries but they caught on pretty fast. That was a fun chore, cleaning the chicken coup wasn't. As I write this I can almost choke on the ammonia smell. It was a big accomplishment though and putting down fresh straw gave it a clean and fresh smell. The old hens were less likely to peck me when I fished an egg out from under them. They really scared me. I mentioned earlier that I had a horse named Lucky. Lucky and I were best friends and chased many a make believe indian around the field and over ditches. Mom never let me ride with a saddle because she was afraid I would get throwed and catch my foot in a stirrup. When Lucky and I took off at full speed I felt I was a part of him. I would lock my legs around him, lean over his head and fly like the wind. When I was about 12 or 13 I began losing interest in riding and Lucky was sold to another younger girl. I didn't see him again. It was hard to see him go but I knew he would be happier with someone who spent more time with him. As I remember that day, I get a little teary because I was already beginning to get my priorities all screwed up. If is only a word!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
More Memories
Leaving you with Cheese & Catsup sandwiches was not being very considerate of your palates but then consider this. As I said before my father lived by old world standards. Butchering a steer or a pig or a chicken meant eating all parts. Head cheese, tongue sandwiches, brains, pigs feet and chicken feet plus mom rendered fat to make soap. I liked tongue and chicken feet but not the other stuff. Mom would scramble eggs and brains together to trick my brother and me into eating it. It didn't work! The winter weather was also a factor growing up on the farm. I remember one time when dad tied a rope to the back door and trudged through the storm to the barn and corral, located about 100 yards from the house. He did this so he could find his way back to the house when he was finished feeding and watering. Milking cows early in the morning when it was cold was no fun. Mom would milk 3 and I would milk 2. All the cows were named by my mom but I can only remember Bessie. Bessie was pretty tame but more than once she would put her hind leg in the bucket after I had filled it about 1/2 full. I was always afraid I would get in trouble but mom was always very understanding. We separated cream from the milk by a hand cranked separator. There was a reservoir on top to pour the milk. The raw milk ran through discs and cream came out one spigot and milk out of another. How it worked I don't know but I do know how much I hated washing all the parts of that separator.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Harvest Time
When the barley and wheat were ready to cut, a binder was hooked to a flywheel John Deere tractor. Sometimes I rode on the binder raising the blade in between twine tied bundles. After the bundles were tied we would select four and stand them head side up and put another 3 or 4 against them. This allowed them to dry before running them through the thrasher. The really exciting time for me was all the farmers gathering together to thrash each others crops. The thrasher was huge and ran on a flywheel from a tractor. Wagons with wire mesh sides pulled by tractors moved slowly through the fields and people walking beside them would toss up the bundles and the wagons would take them to the thrasher. The thrasher would separate the wheat or barley from the chaff. Results were a truck load of wheat and a stack of straw for cattle bedding. Mom would start butchering chickens several days before harvest. She held down their wings, placed their heads on the chopping block and "Whack!" off with their heads. She tossed them in the yard where they would hop around until they were dead. We would then scald them, pluck them and remove the insides. I think I could still clean a gizzard without breaking the sack. The food prepared for the thrashing crew was fantastic. Platters and Platters of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits and berry and cream pies. All the women worked together and seemed to enjoy every minute. My horse Lucky and I would ride between the house and the field trying not to get in the way. Oh, one thing I remember when we were shocking grain. Mom asked me to go to the house and make sandwiches for everyone. My favorite sandwich as the time was cheese and catsup on white bread. They ate it but it was a long time before they let me forget how horrible those sandwiches were.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Chapter One
Harry Koch (cook), my father, was the youngest of 10 children. Peter and Marie, father and mother of this brood, were immigrant Germans. They came to the US in the late 1800's from Russia and arrived at Ellis Island with at least of 3 of their first born. I wish I knew all the details of their struggles but do know they began migrating to the West by working in the fields across the Midwest. Dad was born in Rochester, Wyoming and was a small boy when his father was able to purchase land in Billings, Montana. They raised sugar beets, barley and wheat. Much hard work and most done by old world methods. Water was pulled from a well and heated on a coal and wood stove. Clothes were washed on washboards and hung on wire clothes lines strung between wooden supports resembling crosses. I was born in 1942 and much of my early childhood remembers how hard and stiff the clothes were and how uncomfortable they felt until the warmth of my body would soften them. Old habits are hard to break so old world customs remained in effect. Gosh, this might just be too difficult to write. So much happened. Lots of which is unpleasant to recall.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Writing Stories
Alexis will have a new story by this time next week. Putting together the pages and finding a cartoonish picture of "Ranger Rick" will complete the labor of love. Alexis is my angel and a blessing from God. She was created to do God's work even if she isn't aware of it. Friday was Michelle's 39th birthday and today Jason turns 36. Where has the time gone? Seems like yesterday that they, along with brother, Brian were climbing Multnomah Falls with me. Jason needed me to carry him some of the time but, for 3 years old, he was quite a trooper. I get a little teary as I recall those days and realize that before long he will carry me. It may be 20 years from now but eventually those beautiful little children will carry me through as I deteriorate. With God's help and dedication on my part, I pray I will be able to write about the past. Because technology is taking us on such a speeding ride into the future, it would be easy for my children and grandchildren to lose sight of how hard life was on the farm. Now there's a thought, maybe this blog will be the start of my true life novel.
Friday, November 13, 2009
And life goes on
It's been awhile and there is no particular excuse. Sometimes when the table top has not been viewed for several weeks because of Creative Memories pages, incomplete artwork and just plain junk the mind is likewise cluttered. In the past making a "To Do List" has been helpful in reorganizing and completing tasks but this time no such luck. My trip to Oregon and Washington for 12 days was such a great time but fall is a busy time for me here. Being involved with volunteer work at the hospital and a desire to work with the local food bank means scheduling and committing. Praise God, good friendships have developed these past 4 years and I enjoy spending time enjoying their company. Oh yes, getting back to the blogging part, there has just been too much to talk about to talk about it. Told you my mind is cluttered. Last night I was privileged to see a performance of "Phantom of the Opera". It was a Broadway tour cast who performed at the ASU Gammage theater in Tempe. It was amazing. The sets, costumes, music and special effects were outstanding. It is way out of my league but really set the juices flowing again to be on stage. Maybe in time I will feel confident enough to seek out a way to join a theater group. The patio received a face lift today. Not only did all the cobwebs and dirt get washed off but there are now three pots full of colorful blooms gracing the way to the putting green. I'll take pictures and post them because, with my ungreen thumb, they will probably be dead in three days. Tomorrow is coffee at Lilos with my Titus 2 group and then off to a jewelry party. God bless each of you. More blogging to come, I promise.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Need Haircut will travel
After the Pristine Water man woke me up at 7:30 to check my water...uh, the water softening unit, I wandered through the kitchen warming up coffee because he had shut off the water. Couldn't bring myself to eat breakfast because I had toast at 1:30 this morning hoping it would help me sleep. Oh yes, about the haircut and traveling. Left the house at 11:00 and drove to Elliot and McClintock because Suzanne does a great job of cutting and coloring my hair. My friend, Alice, introduced me to her and I will be forever grateful. Suzanne is a few years younger than me so really understands my desire to look 10 years younger than my age. Since this is Friends Week, I will leave you with the words of Robert A. Ward of whom I know nothing. "I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey. I wish you peace in the world in which you live and in the smallest corner of the heart where truth is kept. More I cannot wish you except to perhaps love to make all the rest worthwhile.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Today is recuperation day so I've drawn, painted and experimented with Windows Live Photo Gallery. Not very good at any of them but I'm having fun trying.
Another Day
"Another Day, Another Dollar" Would be nice if that dollar was always finding a way into my purse rather than leaping out followed by other little dollars trying to keep up. To keep my skin soft and ageless the soft water guy is coming tomorrow morning to check out the system and add whatever soft water guy's recommend. Later on in the morning, to improve on my appearance, my beautician will cut my hair. Leaving for Portland on October 21st, priceless. Priceless?, not exactly but seeing my grandchildren is! Another old saying, "Easy come, easy go!" In other news, my neck is sore this morning but swiveling nicely. Not nicely enough to clean my rather dusty house but nicely enough for me to work on photos and try to figure out how to color my Minpin that I manage to draw. That will take some practice.
Monday, October 12, 2009
A little woozy
Returned home from the Pain Center by 2:30. It took about 30 minutes again before other drivers would not be in danger, or at least, no more than usual. It will be a couple of days before all the medication used for deadening the area will be gone but after that my neck should swivel more easily and with less pain. Don't really know how many people still read this occassionally but would someone in the know tell me what happens to old posts. Journaling has been a way to keep track of time but since blogging I've not been doing that. Also was using a cassette recorder for a while but have neglected that also. Guess my life just isn't that exciting so haven't been writing much in a blog either. Drawing pictures has now become a pasttime. If I can keep these blogs as a journal, maybe I will try to do better at writing.
Goose Bumps
Goose Bumps always show up on my butt when nerves start to get the best of me. Today is the second of a series of three injections for my neck. "What you don't know won't hurt you" is how the saying goes but, guess what, now I know. The procedure is very surgical from defining the area with drapes to swapping with iodine and finally deadening the area with a gun that feels like being snapped with a rubber band. Being awake and having the doctor tell me he is about to stick a needle into four or five places in my neck is giving me the shiffers right now. After it is over, his assistant cleans me up, gives me a bottle of juice and tells me to set up my next appt with the receptionist. After the first time it took about 30 minutes before I felt I could drive. Hopefully I can find my way to the next doctor of whom has been reluctant to refill my RX. Maybe if my appearance gives the impression that my perscription is the difference between life and death, he will be less judgemental. Wish me well, literally, and say a prayer. Knowing Jesus is holding my hand and riding with me gives me courage. love to all of you. gramoo
Friday, September 11, 2009
Yaa!! I can post pictures
white circle is let me know. Maybe I knew at the time but don't remember. Ashley had to fly home from Billings to Portland so I was on my own for the remainder of the trip.
There will be more photo posts. Love all of you who follow my blog. Pray this finds each of you blessed and thankful for all God has given us. hugs always...gramoo
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Past Memories
Today as the nation mourned the death of Ted Kennedy, my eyes filled with tears again just as they did in November 1963. Today, just as then, I'm proud to be American. Watching the rain falling in Boston was also a blessing as it proved that global warming is pretty much isolated to Arizona. ( My attempt at levity) Kristi's baby shower was fun. Little "Tiger" Newman is going to be pretty much decked out in the latest styles. Tiger will always be my nickname for this poor little guy who will have to be a tiger to withstand all those girls. Didn't finish this post yesterday and now I have something weighing more heavily on my mind. How can a pastor preach that he hates President Obama. Disagreeing with his policies is american but hating someone who has been created and loved by God just goes against everything I believe as a Christian. Shame on this pastor who could be creating violence on our streets.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lightbulb moment
Ford Motor Company use to have an advertisement that showed a lightbulb turning on that was to illustrate, "Wow, I should buy a Ford." Oh no, now my whole thought process is turning to advertisements. "Wow, I could have had a V8". "It doesn't taste like Fiber" Hopefully this blog doesn't give you your full day's supply of fiber. Anyway, it occurred to me this morning why my Christian friends here seem so much more "Christian" than my friends up North. Here's a hint. The temperature here will be 113 tomorrow. It will be 75 and raining in Portland. Just ponder on that while I finish unloading the dishwater and drinking another two 16 oz glasses of water.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
To Do Lists
And writing on this blog was one of the "2-do's" for today. If 2 of the 2-do's are completed it will be quite a successful day. Actually since returning from the Northwest doing anything is a struggle. This was particularly true Friday-Sunday. After unpacking the suitcase there were little piles everywhere. Tons of pictures developed at Walgrens. What am I going to do with all of these? Finally by Sunday I had thrown away 3/4's of them and arranged creative memory pages to reflect each phase of the trip. Sometime over the next two weeks the pages will be completed and put into the album which will clear the dining room table to be ready for the jewelry party. Oh yes, another one of those times when my mouth started going before my brain was engaged. It will be good! (keep telling yourself that, gramoo) Guess to make one of these glamorous events successful, it will be necessary to send out 40 or 50 invites so that 10 might show up. Since there are less than 10 people in my "we'd love to go to gramoo's way out in Maricopa and spend money we don't have" list, the refreshments will have to be spectatular. The invitations should go out this week, stay tuned. Thanks, Aline for a great lunch today.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tears for Alexis and for gramoo
The doctor has prescribed the drops for her eyes that are to help prevent a tear in her retina. Michelle was a bit frustrated when I talked to her because putting drops in a 6 year old's eyes is not easy. She did text me today and said she had accomplished the first time. She is to have the drops twice a day for the rest of her life or until something else is developed. I'm trying not to worry and to just trust God. If you could add Michelle and Alexis to your prayers I would so appreciate it. We seem to be in the middle of a storm right now. The TV went out and the wind is blowing like crazy. Pray there is a torrent of rain on the way.
Just one more thing. Don't make your massage therapist angry because, the thumb and index finger of just one hand can hurt, maime and kill. Was on the table for an hour today and fortunately she doesn't have any animosity toward me. She is really good and I feel better tonight. A couple good nights of sleep and I should be back to getting things done. There is a full day of activities tomorrow. T-2 at 8:30, birthday party by noon and a "I'm closing my second hand bookstore in Maricopa" cocktail party Saturday evening. So sorry to see another business closing in Maricopa. She had a great store.
Just one more thing. Don't make your massage therapist angry because, the thumb and index finger of just one hand can hurt, maime and kill. Was on the table for an hour today and fortunately she doesn't have any animosity toward me. She is really good and I feel better tonight. A couple good nights of sleep and I should be back to getting things done. There is a full day of activities tomorrow. T-2 at 8:30, birthday party by noon and a "I'm closing my second hand bookstore in Maricopa" cocktail party Saturday evening. So sorry to see another business closing in Maricopa. She had a great store.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Eyes have it
Today it is hard to concentrate until I hear from Michelle. She and Alexis and Mark are in Spokane to have another evaluation on Alexis' eyes. The pressures behind her eyes are very high and can cause her retina to tear. Dependent on the Doctor's findings she would have to begin putting drops in her eyes which would hopefully avoid the tears. Is tear spelled tear or tare? Gosh, English is hard. When I get home one of the things I will put on my "To Do List" is study my Spanish. It is much easier than English. Maybe Spanish should be America's primary language. Now that may get some comments. Thanks, Kristi. Took a walk today because I feel like I have gained at least 10 pounds. Can't bring myself to get on a scale and won't until I have been home for two weeks working out and lifting weights. If the temps stay at 111 perhaps I can sweat away 5 of those pounds. Well, all of you great friends and relatives, probably by the time you read my next entry, I will be back in Maricopa. LOL
Friday, August 14, 2009
Oregon Coast
Headed that way this afternoon. Back in Portland by Sunday. Saw a great movie yesterday, Julie and Julia or it could be the other way around. Anyway, it inspired me to write on my blog. Never can tell who might be reading it. See you sometime after the 20th. Looking forward to being home and in my own bed.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Time for Poetry
There is a time when families divide and begin to flow as rivers seeking their own direction. Tributaries striking out with and against the current leading to the great ocean of life.
The tide comes in bringing laughter, joy, love.
Low tide brings tears, sadness, hate.
Scraps of what could have been litter the shore.
A family member kneels beside a lone beach chair and remembers times of yesterday when the only thing that mattered was the touch of mother's hand.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
It's Raining
How sweet it is!! The windows are open and the smell is terrific. Seems unnatural to have days and days of sunshine here. Now if the rain just stops after a day or two. Never seem to have it all do we? The chiropractor did me good. Feel better and hope to sleep well tonight. Have my ticket home purchased and will be arriving in Phoenix on the 20th. If any of you want to come pick me up that would be great. I'll buy you lunch. Plane gets in around 1:00pm. My friends are planning a get together on Monday and that will probably be the end of my travels. Did want to go to the beach one more time but don't think that will happen. Love all of you and God bless.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Time To Catch Up
It has been way too long since this has been brought up to date. The computer was not cooperating while I was in Kennewick, WA. No excuses so here's the latest. Returned to Portland on Friday with Michelle and Alexis. Had to have the rental car back by Saturday. It has been great being here where the weather is how is should be in August in Portland, Oregon. Highs in the 70's and lows in the 50's. Ahh, such great sleeping weather. My neck and back are beginning to bother me so tomorrow I have an appointment with Angel's chiropractor. If you are reading this Dr. Webster, want you to know you are one of the reasons I am anxious to get home. Actually I'm still looking at two weeks here. Relatives who live in Tillamook Oregon are expecting me plus I have Portland friends to see also. After checking the temps in Phoenix, perhaps a couple of weeks will make the difference between miserable and tolerable. When I get home, I will publish the photos from Glacier, the Blackhills, Billings and the Oregon coast. Ashley and I had a wonderful time together into Billings. She flew home to Portland on the 18th of July and then a high school friend and I spent two and a half days in South Dakota. Very beautiful and just as spectacular as Glacier Park except in a much different way. The spirituality of the Crazy Horse Monument filled that distance that sometimes occurs between heaven and where I am. Love loving God so much and being thankful.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Whew! It has been quite a ride
Sorry that there has been such a span between updates. Not having access to a PC is the number one excuse. Being tired and busy comes in as a close second. Michelle is at work, Daddy has this week with Alexis so no more excuses for not letting you know what has been happening. After leaving Kennewick with Ashley on July 12, we arrived in Sandpoint, Idaho at approximately 4:00. Rob was still working but arranged with us to meet at 5:00 and lead us to his house where we could get settled before going to dinner. We each had our own room with great beds. We did share the upstairs bathroom. Worked out pretty well considering the needs and desires of a 13 year old. The age thing is a story in itself. Out on the speedboat around 6:00. Traveled across the lake to a restaurant where the food was simple but delicious. It was getting dark as we came back to Sandpoint plus there was distant lightning. No rain until after we went to bed then it poured and continued to pour on Monday. Ashley and I spent 3 hours getting a mani/pedi which neither one of us were pleased with. Rob has planned to take us out on the boat Monday to wakeboard and fish but alas it was not to be. Instead he made spaghetti and then, after dinner, we drove to Swietzer Sky Resort for rhubard/strawberry pie alamode. Yummy!! Next leg is Glacier Park...leaving July 14th.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Tri-Cities, Washington
Richland, Kennewick and Pasco make up the Tri-Cities. When I arrived on Monday the temp was in the high 70's and low 80's. Well, that is gone and the 100 weather is now here. Different from AZ as it does cool way down at night. Staying with granddaughter, Alexis and daughter, Michelle until Monday. Number one granddaughter, Ashley is arriving with her mother and brother on Friday for some great kid time and then Ashley and I leave for Sandpoint, Idaho on Monday the 12th. We are staying with the fellow that Michelle is seeing who happens to be my youngest son's best friend. Michelle and Rob seem to be quite smitten with one another and I couldn't be happier. I've known Rob since Jason and he were in college together and he is one handsome nice guy. On Wednesday Ashley and I will be off to Glacier Park and the "Going to the Sun Hiway". Ashley has to sit on the side nearest the cliff which has her a little freaked. If we make it out alive you will next hear word that we are in Billings, Montana. Take care, everyone. Include us in your prayers as we include you.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
It's Independence Day
Not a whole lot of fireworks in Portland. The laws here are very strong against it. We spent the day in Long Beach, Washington yesterday. Angel's parents have a beach house there. We drove the Astoria Bridge which is 4 miles long across the Columbia between Oregon and Washington. Spectacular scenery. The weather is fantastic. Was 94 in Portland and 75 at the beach. Tonight we will celebrate the 4th exploding what is acceptable in Oregon and hang out with the rest of the neighbors that didn't leave town. Car rental is scheduled for Monday and off to Eastern Washington to spend a week with Michelle and Alexis. Just love being with family. My Chicago family is sorely missed and won't be seeing them this summer. They sent photos of the wedding reception and will post some when I can figure it out. Might have to do it the old fashion way and print them at Walgrens. God bless all who read this. May today be a day of remembrance and prayer. Until next time.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Don't miss the chance
Pastor Matt is pretty funny. Somewhere between Jeff and Scott. He related a dentist story that will stick with me. Their baby of 6 months was beginning to cut teeth and, because Matt and his wife had not been since college, they were afraid they were grossing out their daughter so to the dentist Matt went. It was Monday, he was tired and cranky so wasn't much in the mood for his dental consult. It was funny and I could tell you the whole thing but you might get bored and miss the point. The point being that when the dentist asked his profession, he said, "Pastor". Instead of the dentist changing the subject, he asked why did he become a pastor. Matt gave an off the cuff answer like, "I like kids and people." He said he regretted that and should have said, "Because I love the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is my Savior. We do miss lots of opportunities and I will try to remember this story to help me be a better witness. As for the trip, I'll be in Portland for the 4th and then on to Eastern Washington and Glacier Park.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Oregon Coast
The Pacific is as beautiful as ever. Cold but beautiful. Taylor played in the water and thought it was great, being only 9 has its advantages. The Seaside Oregon gift shops are like all the others and are full of tourists just like me. Bought airbrush tatoos for Ashley and Taylor and sweatpants for me. Now its 85, wouldn't you know it. We just went for the day as it is only about 75 miles from Hillsboro where Brian and family live. We are now getting ready for church. Looking forward to meeting Ashley's youth leader. He's a big influence on the family. Please pray that Jesus will be the center of this family more and more each day. Love to all and will write more as our trip unfolds.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Is it cold in Oregon. Not for those who have webbed feet and bodies that shed the rain but for this poor soul it is freezing. Temp was maybe 77 degree today but since it is 80 at night in Maricopa my fingertips were turning white. So far though it has been wonderful. Being with the family and enjoying them and the things they do is great. This morning Angel and I went for a 2.5 mile walk and then, after showering, (needed to put that in) because I was going to say we then went to Costco. Bought planks at Costco to BBQ salmon and vegies. Really good. Taylor played some basketball this afternoon. He's very good so like to watch him play. He is only 9 so by the time he is in High School he is going to be a force to reckon with. Nothing really exciting to write about right now but keep tuned you never know when something exciting might happen.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Carpe diem
That's the word or words of the day. Starting with a workout at the local gym and, because sleep eluded me after 5:30am, it has been a rather "Seize the Day" ever since. The refrigerator is clean. Care packages are prepared for Kelly and Clint and Perry and Barbara. They will be by for keys and meeting each other. The thought occurred that arrests could be made if found doing their thing but didn't know each. We'll indulged in some dessert and a bit of conversation and then when they are on their way it's packing time again. Just started some wash and may or may not iron anything. Why am I telling you all this stuff? Guess because I love each of you and I will miss you who are here in AZ and excited to see family and friends in the Northwest. Can't really explain the lonliness that I'm feeling right now. Packing a suitcase by myself is good but not good. If I were married HE would be telling me what I should pack and how I should pack it. Isn't it strange how we want to be alone but with someone.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Waiting until Tuesday afternoon
Procrastinate! Intentionally putting off packing until the last minute. It just is so stressful to ponder what to take. It will be warm but it could rain and be cold. This coat, this jacket, long pants, more shoes just in case. The muscles tighten and the blood pressure goes up. Ahh, that last minute packing. One suitcase, yes, just one. Shorts, shirts, sandals, one dress, undergarment stuff and it's a wonderful summer in the Northwest. Ashley and I will travel from Portland to Sandpoint, Idaha, across Montana into Glacier Park and then on to Billings, Montana to visit relatives. Ashley is my 13 year old granddaughter and likes history so we are also going to South Dakota and Mt Rushmore. We'll be back in Portland by August 1st. Just ask prayers for safe travel and lasting memories. Bless each of you. You are all so important in my life. God is great! When I have access to a PC we will send pictures and I will continue the blog. Have a super duper summer, my friends.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
To Ponder
as defined by the great, Merriam Webster, to ponder is to weigh in the mind, to think about, reflect on soberly and deeply. Well, here you go, let's see how deep this is. Did you know that there are toilet bowl lids named "church". Dad used to say, "I'm going to sit on the throne." Who would have thought that from that old 2 holer where Dad often pondered how he was going to sneak into town without ma knowing it, would come the silver letters emblazed on a porcelain lid the word "church". Now I'm going to ponder how to prepare the perfect margarita. It will weigh on the mind until the lime is sliced and the salt in on the rim. Cheers!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Christ has Risen
and, the Easter Bunny could very well be in a stew. Thank you for beautiful and loving people who find no problem inviting wayward strangers into the mix of relatives and close friends to share the joy and celebration of Easter. Bringing a cheesecake was the least I could do. As Nature takes it's course regarding stuffy head, back and headache pain and just plain disgustedness (is that a word?) this blog writer can find no humor or profound statements that will cause you to laugh or ponder. Sorry, but tune in later and maybe you will be inspired.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I want my mama
60 years ago my mama was 40 years old. She knew just what to do when her little girl had a bad cold. Her words echo, "put some sox on your feet, get back in bed, I'll be there in a minute." The minute seemed like eternity because I wanted her attention so much. Her loving hand on my forehead as she checked for a temperature. A new washrag that she had cooled in ice water that would replace her warm hand. She would smile and say, "it will run it's course, you'll be fine in a few days." She'd leave then and I would dread the time she would be gone milking cows, feeding livestock and bringing water into the house from the cistern. Before long pots and pans began their noisy trek to the stovetop and oven where she would be preparing homemade macoroni and cheese because she knew it was my favorite. Where are you, mama? As tears begin to form in my eyes from missing you, you appear in my mind just behind the figure of God and I hear you say, "it will run it's course, you'll be fine a few days." I love you, mama.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Our Remedies oft in ourselves do lie
William Shakespeare penned those words in "All's Well That Ends Well." As for my friend who had hip replacement surgery, her end is doing well. Sometime during last night Loren Jydis paid me a visit and left me speechless. In a mutual agreement my friend felt she was capable of caring for herself and sent me home to doctor my cold and voicelessness. In taking inventory of what needs to be done after having none stop company since March 1st., it appears it can all wait until I feel better. Right now I'm going to watch the CMA. Taking me back to my roots of Country Music. Yea Haw, ya'll.....
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Love is all around
I feel it in my fingers. I feel it in my toes. Love is all around us and that is all I knows!! The "and that is all I knows" is really all I knows of the song. The feelings I definitely know. Having my son, daughter-in-law, daughter and grandchildren with me for a week was heaven. The house got messy, the comings and goings were pretty much chaotic and there was no need for radio or television to drown out the silence. Brian did my taxes and the girls helped out with cooking and entertaining the kids. Having my super good friends and their husbands and children spend Sunday afternoon and evening with us was just an extra special time. Cactus Transportation picked up everyone at 3:30 Tuesday and dropped them at the airport. I'll be gone for a few days to take care of a friend who has had a hip replacement. Watch this blog for further interesting happenings and photos. Kristi or Carin will come over soon to show me how to download photos and videos.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Lord is my shephard
What a powerful Sunday morning!! Contemporary version of "How Great Thou Art" was very moving and the praise of applause was as though God were standing beside each of us smiling and clapping. His presence could definitely be felt as tears of joy and sorrow mingled together. For several months taking "I" out of communication with others has been my goal. This morning made that goal become even more meaningful as the struggles facing God's people were standing shoulder to shoulder.
Psalm 57:9-10
Have a super week, my friends, and, as some other wise soul said, "Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there's plenty of room at both ends."
Psalm 57:9-10
Have a super week, my friends, and, as some other wise soul said, "Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there's plenty of room at both ends."
Thursday, March 19, 2009
When the day is done
Some days are just so special that they are hard to put into words. Today's word is spikey!. Yep, hairdresser cut and highligted my spikey hair. It looks great and I feel 10 years younger even though my face resembles a Shar-Pei. Well, maybe not. My pain medication is just beginning to kick in so if some of you were in the neighborhood we could hang out and laugh alot. With all this bad stuff that is happening it is very encouraging to know that our God is watching and blessing us. It's true and, when you can, get together with family and friends and laugh, love and praise our God.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Just another magic Tuesday
What's magic about it you may ask? Well, two old guys who were here for MLB spring training left this morning after 6 days at the gramoo motel. Luckily I live here now where noone cares who comes and goes at your residence. That's another issue regarding safety but we'll cover that another time. The fitness center is beckoning and the pantry needs restocking and after my kids are gone on the 31st the doors they will be locking. Until next time...gramoo says, "Good bye, Good luck and may the Good Lord take a likin' to you."
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
First Time for Everything
Guess today is as good a day as any to begin blogging. This has been a project I've been going to take on for quite some time but there's Facebook, My Space, ancient e-mailing and even encienter handwritten correspondence. Which brings up another good point. I'm pretty ancient myself. Bless those good friends who continue to tell me how young I look and act. The act part is pretty accurate. I wanted to work into the title or URL or whatever the wrinkled dog breed, Shar-Pai, but that name was not acceptable. Just seemed like a good fit. Oh well, we'll just see where all this lead me
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